Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Project 3 poster

This is my final poster design. The purpose of this poster is mainly to show how the media can be useful. In this case I used World War III stories as an example. The two types of media I used for my poster are novels and videogames. I included quotes from each story along with either an illustration or photograph that further emphasizes the quote. America, Europe, and Russia are in the background because they are the three main nations in all three stories. The oil = war concept is in the center of the poster because oil is what starts the war in all of these stories.

Project 3 large poster thumbnails (cont.)

Project 3 large poster thumbnails

I made my second round poster thumbnails this large because I wanted to create a poster with many small features rather than one with a few large features. So in order to create thumbnails that can help me with this concept, obviously, the bigger the better.

Project 3 poster thumbnails

These are my basic
2"x2" thumbnails for my poster concept.

Project 3 logo

This is the logo design that I used for my poster. However, I did not include the border in the final design.

Project 3 logo thumbnails

The name of my fictional company is MAW (Media's Accurate Warning). I used four images representing different types of media. The first is novels, the second movies, third television, and fourth videogames.